Sunday, October 27, 2013

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses... Go Run!

Who doesn't LOVE the holidays? Spending time with family, friends and all the food (hello pie!!). However, it's usually always right in the middle of a training block or can totally screw up your workout routine. You know what I'm talking about. Here's a few common 'excuses' and some plans of action to limit them!

Glow Run Binghamton, NY Nov 7th 6:30 and Ithaca NY Nov 13th 6:00pm, Free, National Running Safety Awareness Month

Holiday Distractions
Excuse : With all the holiday distractions, I'm not motivated to exercise.
The Fix: Make a realistic plan and be consistent. Take time to set some concrete fitness goals for yourself during the holidays and share them with your family. Or commit to a road race or triathlon - Holiday races are a fun time for everyone and typically donate to a local charity.

Holiday Travel
Excuse : I can't stick to an exercise routine because of all my holiday travel. 
The Fix: Be flexible and think ahead. Find training partners in the community or connect with local running clubs. Further, neighborhood gyms often offer special deals for travelers or mix up exercising by doing fitness routines from your favorite magazines or trying something new, like yoga!

Holiday Meals
Excuse : I can't resist huge holiday meals.
The Fix: Cut yourself some slack, but be smart. If you're watching calories, have a plan before you indulge. Also, don't commit the common blunder of going for a long run or ride before the big feast. With a revved up appetite, you'll eat even more. Better to go to dinner with normal hunger, then burn off those carbs with a long workout the next day.  

Finding Time
Excuse : I can't find the time to exercise.
The Fix: Get up early and enlist group support. Of course, there will be times when the best plan gets sidelined, but just keep moving- a little is better than nothing.

Snacking and Packing
Excuse : With all these treats and goodies around, I'm constantly snacking.
The Fix: Control your cookie monster. While a few holiday meals won't set you back, constant snacking can be detrimental. But it does help to know a few tricks - Eat a small meal before you go to a party to avoid overindulging. Stay away from the bar--that glass of pinot could cause you to eat more. Fill three-quarters of a plate with healthy foods, saving a small space for treats.

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