Friday, October 3, 2014

Confluence Kids!

We've got exciting news for kids and parents in the Southern Tier!  

Recently, Binghamton was listed as one of the most overweight cities in America.  We want to align with the city's initiative to promote health and fitness in its citizens.  Our goal is to make it easy for parents to encourage a love of fitness for life in their kids through fun races and group fitness activities.  We've started a page on facebook to keep you updated on all the running and endurance related events for kids in the the Broome County area.  Along with that, we've posted a new kids-only endurance events calendar right on our website including lots of events that are totally free to participate in such as fun run races and group activities, to make it easy for parents to find events.  

When kids participate in fun endurance related events, it encourages self esteem and can-do attitude.  Why not try a few fun runs with your kids?  Many of these events are completely free of charge and available to anyone in the community.  Most of them have day-of sign-ups, so you can even do it last minute, if you suddenly find you have available time!

We have started a new Confluence Kids program of kids-only group runs with some health and wellness education tied in.  This is a great opportunity for kids in the Southern Tier to not only get fit, but learn about their bodies, training, and general wellness. Not only that, but associated with the Confluence Kids events, we'll be holding a Beginner Group Run/Walk.  What better way to encourage your kids to be healthy than for you, as a parent, to work toward good health, yourself?  The Beginner Group Run/Walk will have a goal of two miles, and all abilities are welcome.  No runner left behind. We hope to see you there!

We've also started a Marathon Miles program for kids participating in Confluence Kids!  Come to any Confluence Kids event and you can participate in the Marathon Miles program by getting stamps on your Marathon Miles card.  Every time you fill up enough boxes to get to one of the pictures, just bring it in to Confluence Running and claim your prize!

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